Dick’s Sporting Goods Down ~7% Year-to-Date; Sticking with It Long Term
publication date: Aug 22, 2023
Image Source: Mike Mozart. Some of our favorite dividend growth ideas in the Dividend Growth Newsletter portfolio include Cisco, Microsoft, Oracle, Apple, and Republic Services. Cisco is up more than 15% year-to-date, Microsoft is up more than 34% year-to-date, Oracle is up more than 38% year-to-date, Apple is up over 40% year-to-date, and Republic Services is up more than 14% year-to-date. These dividend growth ideas are trouncing the basket of high-yielding Dividend Aristocrats. With big cap tech and large cap growth powering the market higher during 2023, it’s been great having this type of exposure within the Dividend Growth Newsletter portfolio, and we hope you have enjoyed it, too...Unlike big dividend growth winners such as Cisco, Microsoft, and Oracle, which are higher weightings (5%-7%) in the Dividend Growth Newsletter portfolio, Dick’s Sporting Goods has a smaller 3-5% weighting and fills a more diversifying role with respect to retail. That said, the sporting goods retailer’s second-quarter results (ending July 29, 2023) missed top-line consensus expectations by a small margin, but the miss on the bottom line was a bit more pronounced due to concerns over shrink. Dick’s Sporting Goods, however, still delivered 3.6% sales expansion in the period while quarterly comparable store sales increased 1.8% (an improvement from the 5.1% decline in last year’s quarter), as it reiterated its 2023 comparable store sales target of “flat to positive 2%.” The company’s full-year 2023 outlook for diluted earnings per share now stands at $11.33-$12.13 (was $12.90-$13.80), implying shares are trading at about 10x current-year earnings.
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