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Latest Valuentum Commentary

May 17, 2024
Dividend Increases/Decreases for the Week of May 17
Let's take a look at firms raising/lowering their dividends this week.
Nov 17, 2023
Dividend Increases/Decreases for the Week of November 17
Let's take a look at firms raising/lowering their dividends this week.
Apr 1, 2019
Big Bank Roundup, Bank of America Catches Our Eye
In this article, let’s catch up with how far the big 6 banks in the US have come since the height of the financial crisis exactly a decade hence. We will highlight the improvements in the banking system, some of the key risks, and a few high level thoughts about the individual franchises leading the US banking system. We like Bank of America the most, and we include diversified banking exposure in the Best Ideas Newsletter portfolio and Dividend Growth Newsletter portfolio.
May 28, 2018
Uncertainty of Italy’s Political Future Weighing on Global Investors' Minds
Image shown: Duomo di Milano. Italy holds ~$2.7 trillion in public debt, and global investors are worried that a new government could implement policies that would weaken the country’s credit status. Though a sovereign debt crisis does not seem probable at this point, bond markets are suggesting that risks are rising.

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