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Latest Valuentum Commentary

Sep 18, 2015
The Fed Freezes; Outlook as Bad as Feared or Worse?
The global economy may be far worse than even some pessimists believe, as the need for a continued ZIRP (zero interest-rate policy) remains the Fed’s tactic, at least for now.
Sep 15, 2015
As the World Turns
We’re keeping our eyes on a number of things. First, we’re monitoring property prices in Shanghai and in other larger Chinese cities to assess the potential calamity that falling housing prices and deflation would have on the country’s banking sector and the likelihood of contagion via the British banks, HSBC and Standard Chartered, and the US ones, namely Citigroup and JP Morgan. Second, we’re watching the price of crude oil closely, as its fall will have huge implications on the earnings trajectory of companies that benefit (airlines, restaurants) as well as the ones that suffer (upstream and energy services). The net effect of falling crude oil prices has thus far been negative for S&P 500 earnings, but this may change as the energy sector becomes an ever-smaller part of index construction. Third, who can forget about the Fed, the expected duration of any tightening monetary cycle, and the resulting implications on dividend-paying stocks as Treasury yields rise?
Sep 1, 2015
Batten Down the Hatches – Another US Market Crash Probable
The aftermath of China’s equity market collapse and the Dow’s crash last week will have material spillover effects.
Aug 28, 2015
Forget About the New iPhone; The Banks in China!
Banks operate on confidence, and it has been shattered. We’ve seen this all before.
Sep 29, 2014
Yikes! Brazil’s Real Plunges; Protests in Hong Kong
The markets were in selling mode Monday.
Things Are Bad Out There
The Bank of England’s intervention to stem what might have turned into a “run on the bank” dynamic for pension funds in the country amid a collapsing pound has given rise to the view that the Fed may start to slow its rate of increases amid global uncertainty. We think it’s too early to tell. From our perspective, the Fed remains committed to stomping out inflation, something that it may not truly be able to do, given that interest rate hikes may be too blunt of an instrument to stymie food cost inflation, which remains one of the the biggest inflationary headwinds that is hurting consumer budgets. What is happening on the global stage is quite concerning, and we remain bearish on the equity markets. The bull case may very well be a deep recession in the U.S., where dollar cost averaging in the U.S. markets could be had, followed by sharp interest rate cuts by the Fed, and a return to all-time highs. This is not a time to lose interest, but a time to pay even closer attention to your investments. What you do over the next couple years will have implications on your portfolio 5, 10, and 20 years forward. Let’s keep focused on preserving and building long-term wealth!

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