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Valuentum Commentary
May 2, 2013
Intel’s New Management Team Looks Fit for the Challenge
Intel's new management team will feature a software person and a hardware person. We like the choices. Apr 19, 2013
PC Weakness Fails to Crush Microsoft
Even though the PC sales dropped materially, Microsoft posted solid third quarter results. Mar 25, 2013
Michael Dell May Have to Sweeten His Offer
It appears Dell could be poised for a battle. Mar 14, 2013
Bullish News for the Apple Ecosystem
Fighting words from management, a new PayPal app, and new retail partners are all positives for Apple, in our view. Mar 7, 2013
Carl Icahn Now Mixing It Up With Dell
Icahn has allegedly accumulated 6% of Dell, and now he wants a higher bid or a public recapitalization. Jan 25, 2013
Microsoft Remains a Terrific Company
Microsoft remains a terrific company with great cash flow, but the market wants to see it survive the shift in the PC landscape. Jan 18, 2013
Intel Punished for Investing in the Future
Shares of Intel remain cheap and pay out a hefty dividend. Jan 15, 2013
Dell Gets No Respect from the Street; Is it Time to Go Private?
Rumors are swirling that private equity firms are mulling a bid for Dell. A transaction may make more sense for shareholders than the company. Nov 20, 2012
HP Embarrassed by Poor Acquisition
HP posted lackluster results, and the firm's acquisition of Autonomy has resulted in a massive write down. Nov 16, 2012
Dell Stumbles Again During Its Third Quarter
Changing a huge company like Dell is proving to be a difficult process. Shares are inexpensive, but the company’s secular decline and market share losses could be too overwhelming. Latest News and Media The High Yield Dividend Newsletter, Best Ideas
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