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Fundamental data is updated weekly, as of the prior weekend. Please download the Full Report and Dividend Report for any changes.
Oct 22, 2014
"McDonald's facing a 'perfect storm of negatives': Pro" -- CNBC
"Brian Nelson, President of Equity Research at Valuentum Securities, says the fast food giant's third quarter results were atrocious and outlines what's needed to improve earnings moving forward." -- CNBC
Oct 22, 2014
McDonald’s Third Quarter Performance Very Ugly; Even Worse Than Yum! Brands’
McDonald’s is being hit by a perfect storm of negative catalysts, and it may get worse before it gets better. Yum Brands will fall short of achieving previously-announced earnings per share goals.
Oct 21, 2014
We’re Expecting an Absolute Blow-Out Holiday Quarter for Apple
A trip to the local Apple retail store is all that is needed to assess the continued tremendous interest in Apple products.
Oct 20, 2014
Pricing Power Is the Name of the Game in Chipotle’s Third Quarter
Chipotle is a fantastic company with excellent growth prospects. Shares, however, are priced to perfect execution, which cannot be guaranteed in the ultra-competitive fast-casual space.
Oct 20, 2014
Hasbro Continues to Shine
Hasbro put up a fantastic third quarter, and we continue to like the company as an income growth idea.
Oct 20, 2014
Big Blue Blows Up
Big Blue missed big time during the third quarter. We warned you about the company’s problems.
Oct 20, 2014
Dividend Increases for the Week Ending October 17
Let's take a look at dividend increases for the week ending October 17.
Oct 19, 2014
General Electric Powers Higher; Honeywell, Textron Reveal Strength
Honeywell and Textron raised full-year 2014 guidance, and General Electric thinks organic revenue growth for the year will be at the high-end of the 4%-7% guided range. Still, their outlooks for 2015 will trump any performance during the remainder of this year.
Oct 17, 2014
‘The Correction’ May Have Passed But Are We Now In A Bear Market?
The markets rallied today, but next week will be very important. We’re monitoring the credit markets closely for hints on risk-taking and its impact on the direction of the broader equity markets.
Oct 17, 2014
Google’s Competitive Advantages As Strong As Ever Following Third Quarter Report
Google reported strong third-quarter results, but there may be nothing that will satisfy the Street in the current market environment.

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