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Valuentum Reports

Fundamental data is updated weekly, as of the prior weekend. Please download the Full Report and Dividend Report for any changes.
Latest Valuentum Commentary

Apr 4, 2012
Strong March Auto Sales Support Our Bullish Take on Ford
We continue to like Ford as the best way to capitalize on pent-up demand for automobiles. The firm's March performance was its best in five years, and we expect even better performance by the automaker in the months ahead.
Oct 5, 2011
Best Idea Ford Looks Set to Sign a Win-Win Labor Deal, Shares Rally 8%
Ford shares remain incredibly undervalued, and our worst case scenario fair value is $20 per share. The company's shares have suffered so much selling pressure over the last several months that the downside should be limited to that of the broader market.
Aug 6, 2011
Stay the Course; This is Not Lehman II, S&P Downgrade Meaningless
We discuss recent events, including poor manufacturing data and S&P's downgrade of the US' debt. All things considered, we remain positive on the equity markets.

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