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Valuentum Commentary
Jan 8, 2018
Mutual Fund Tragedy, ROE, and the Time Horizon
Comparisons between growth versus value stocks may never go away, but President of Investment Research Brian Nelson explains why you should know better than to think stocks can easily be divided up as such. He talks about this, as well as the pitfalls of ROE (return on equity) and how to think about the time horizon. Running time: ~10 minutes. Jan 5, 2018
Admit It: You Know Nothing About the Dividend
President of Investment Research Brian Nelson talks about how the concept of a dividend is completely miscontrued due to societal and cultural reasons, but he also explains why he likes dividends. Warning: He's going to bust out Monopoly pieces. You don't want to miss this! Running time: ~15 minutes. Dec 24, 2017
I Love Dividends But the Dividend Discount Model is DEAD!
President of Investment Research Brian Nelson gives a plethora of reasons why the dividend discount model is dead and expresses his worries about how it continues to be used academically and professionally. Also included is a discussion about why the weighted average cost of capital, or the WACC, is used in the enterprise free cash flow valuation process, or the free cash flow to the firm process. Running time: ~13 minutes. Dec 20, 2017
Dividends: Costco and Walmart
Image Source: Fiscal Year 2017 Annual Report. The retail sector is undergoing a revolutionary change to its traditional business model of delivering value to customers in a brick-and-mortar format with a tepid nod towards an e-commerce platform. There will inevitably be winners and losers from such a massive paradigm shift to online, but we think Costco and Walmart will be able to adapt effectively, while delivering a tidy dividend to boot. We do not believe Amazon will rule the world. Dec 19, 2017
Video: Quants! You're NOT Measuring VALUE and Nelson's Theory of Universal Value
President of Investment Research Brian Nelson defines the concept of universal value and shows how quantitative statistical methods are inextricably linked to those of fundamental, financial, business-model related analysis. Value does not exist in respective process vacuums! Value is universal. Find out why. Running time: ~10 minutes. Dec 1, 2017
Shopping for Income Within Retail in a Digital World
Image Source: Mike Mozart. The 2017 holiday shopping season has shown that e-commerce has never been stronger and it will only continue to grow. But there is still potential for income generation among more traditional retailers. Investors must be tremendously discerning in the retail area, however, as margin, and ultimately free cash flow, pressures remain prevalent. We like Walmart, Target, Costco as income ideas in the broader retail space, but TJX Companies and Best Buy may be worth a look, too. We're avoiding the department stores and teen retail like the plague, regardless of their Dividend Cushion ratios. Nov 26, 2017
How to Think About Corporate Tax Reform
Image Source: DonkeyHotey. Donald Trump and team are working hard to “Make America Great Again,” and lowering tax rates on corporations is a key initiative. Nobody knows for sure whether such efforts will come to fruition, but knowing how to use our research and understanding the fair value estimate range puts you ahead of the crowd, if it hasn’t already. Nov 19, 2017
Nelson on Bogle, Part I
Image shown: An example illustrating how the dividend is a component of capital appreciation that otherwise would have been achieved had the dividend not been paid. Such a situation applies to both regular and special dividends. "The kind of commentary that makes broad generalizations about expectations of future returns is exactly why people are so eager to get into passive investment strategies. Since the 1920s, it seems as though the individual investor has assumed the stock market was rigged or impossible for average Joes to figure out, but instead of the "I'll get it next time" mentality that was present leading to the crash of '29, individual investors have "evolved" to the point that now the idea is if you can't beat the market, just buy the whole thing. Leaders like Bogle continue to take tremendous shortcuts in explaining forecasts, leaving the average investor like a student trying to copy math homework off a peer that didn't show his/her work. When the test comes around, and the problem is a bit different, the copier is up a creek." -- The Valuentum Team Nov 15, 2017
Buffalo Wild Wings Should Go Private and Hasbro Should Buy Mattel…But at the Right Price
Image Source: Hasbro. There is a lot happening across the M&A landscape as of late. Buffalo Wild Wings has reportedly received a go-private offer, while speculation is swirling that Hasbro is looking to gobble up Mattel. We like the prospects of both scenarios. However, price will always matter. Buffalo Wild Wings should hold out for the very best offer, while Hasbro should be very careful not to overpay for assets that may be past their prime. Sep 30, 2017
Amazon Casts a Large Shadow Over the Pharmacy Industry
Image Source: Mike Mozart. It is our belief the food retailing industry is in the midst of widespread disruption with Amazon’s attempt to break into the supermarket game with its audacious purchase of Whole Foods. The Whole Foods acquisition is not likely to be an isolated one-off event; instead, it may be a harbinger of Amazon’s ambition to break into new markets, thus expanding its overall percentage of retail sales. We update our views on Amazon and how the company may eventually impact newsletter portfolio holding CVS Health. Latest News and Media The High Yield Dividend Newsletter, Best Ideas
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