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Latest Valuentum Commentary

Oct 20, 2022
Philip Morris Is One of Our Favorite High-Yielding Income Generation Ideas
Image Shown: Philip Morris International Inc expects alternative nicotine products will grow at a robust pace over the coming years, with an eye towards heated tobacco units and oral nicotine products. By capitalizing on those opportunities, the company aims to diversify its revenues away from traditional cigarette sales. Image Source: Philip Morris International Inc – 2021 Investor Day Event Presentation. Philip Morris is a strong cash flow generator with ample pricing power and a bright growth outlook. Underlying demand for its IQOS heated tobacco offerings remains robust and demand for its traditional cigarette offerings is holding up well, even in the face of substantial inflationary pressures weighing negatively on consumer spending power around the global. Philip Morris’ near term guidance indicates that it should remain a strong free cash flow generator in 2022, allowing the firm to stay on top of its payout obligations. Management remains committed to rewarding income seeking shareholders, and we continue to like exposure to shares of Philip Morris in our High Yield Dividend Newsletter portfolio.
Oct 19, 2022
New Payment Option! Valuentum Research Update!
We're excited to say that we're adding additional payment flexibility at Valuentum. Many members have expressed interest in paying via other providers, and we have added Square to the mix. You can use credit or debit card or bank (ACH) to pay via invoice. With all of the goings-on in the financial technology and payments space, we wanted to continue to provide members options to pay their memberships how they want and through who they want. You can always reach out to us at
Aug 19, 2022
Nelson: The 16 Most Important Steps To Understand The Stock Market
Image Source: Tim Green. We outline the '16 Most Important Steps to Understand the Stock Market.' We think it's important to take a read of these key stock market tenets when things are going great -- and perhaps even more important when things aren't going your way. This continues to be a working document.
Jul 27, 2022
High Yielding Philip Morris International’s Growth Runway Remains Intact
Image Shown: Shares of Philip Morris International moved higher in the wake of its second quarter earnings report. Philip Morris International reported second quarter 2022 earnings that beat both consensus top- and bottom-line estimates. The company raised its full-year revenue and adjusted EPS guidance for 2022 on a pro forma basis (excluding its operations in Russia and Ukraine) versus previous estimates in conjunction with its latest earnings update. Now Philip Morris International expects to generate 6%-8% net revenue growth on an organic basis and 10%-12% diluted EPS growth in 2022 versus 2021 levels (these are non-GAAP metrics). We include Philip Morris International in the High Yield Dividend Newsletter portfolio as we are big fans of its resilient business model and ample pricing power.
Jun 20, 2022
Consumer Staples Struggling with Higher Inflationary Costs, Group Hits 52-Week Lows
Image: The Vanguard Consumer Staples ETF (VDC) has notched a new 52-week low, and investors should note that we don’t think consumer staples entities are immune to an environment of higher inflation, where their price increases may not be fully absorbed by the consumer. Due to the commoditization of many of the goods produced in the consumer staples space, we think the consumer may instead trade down to off-brands or white label (“store brand”) products than pay up for branded merchandise. From where we stand, bellwethers in the consumer staples sector can’t price successfully ahead of inflationary headwinds, and many are experiencing tremendous gross margin pressure. Not only this, but in many cases, we think branded staples are experiencing demand (volume) destruction as consumers balk at price increases that still fall short of offsetting the heightened cost environment. Many consumer staples equities have huge net debt positions and hefty dividend obligations, and while many of the types of products they produce consumers cannot do without, we think we might see the consumer staples group’s share prices come under continued pressure in this market environment and eventually fetch what we think would be a market multiple (roughly three turns of earnings lower, or ~19x earnings to ~16x earnings). Even if this may not happen, however, there still appears to be some tough sledding ahead on a fundamental basis given report commentary, and we’ll look to evaluate our newsletter portfolios and their exposure to the consumer staples arena in the coming weeks to months. What remains clear is that the outlook for many consumer staples entities is not pretty.
Apr 25, 2022
High-Yielding Philip Morris Adeptly Navigating Exogenous Shocks
Image Shown: Utilizing a combination of innovation and brand strength, Philip Morris has been able to grow its market share of the tobacco industry in relevant regions in recent quarters. Image Source: Philip Morris – First Quarter of 2022 IR Earnings Presentation. There are a lot of reasons to like Philip Morris International as a high-yielding income growth opportunity. Its portfolio includes numerous top selling cigarette brands including Marlboro, L&M, Chesterfield, Parliament, and others. After splitting with Altria Group back in 2008, Philip Morris has the right to sell these cigarette brands in international markets while Altria Group has the right to sell these branded tobacco products in the US market. Philip Morris is a free cash flow generating powerhouse that utilizes its immense pricing power, along with ongoing cost structure improvement initiatives to offset secular declines in cigarette unit volumes to support its financial performance. We appreciate that Philip Morris is transitioning towards sales of alternative tobacco products such as its IQOS heated tobacco unit (‘HTU’) offering to support its longer term growth outlook. We include Philip Morris as an idea in the High Yield Dividend Newsletter portfolio and shares of PM yield a nice ~4.8% as of this writing. Sales of its IQOS products have grown robustly in recent years, and in our view, there is ample room for additional upside potential here. Before covering that upside, let’s first go over the developing legal situation in the US as it concerns marketing its IQOS product.
Feb 18, 2022
Dividend Increases/Decreases for the Week February 18
Let's take a look at companies that raised/lowered their dividend this week.
Dec 10, 2021
What Really Is the ”S” in ESG Investing
Image: The Valuentum Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Scoring System shows how “Social” considerations are analyzed. Social considerations tend to ebb and flow and reflect the values of society. Renewed interest in diversity, inclusion, and equity, for example, have made these areas a greater focus for companies and investors. As we have evolved as a society over decades and generations, the types of social considerations that may have primacy will change over time, so it’s important to make sure social considerations are just one part of your research. In addition to looking at how a company scores on the Valuentum ESG rating system and how it aligns with your own values, be sure to also look at whether such an idea is in the simulated newsletter portfolios, how it rates on the Valuentum Buying Index (VBI), its Dividend Cushion ratio for dividend-paying stocks, and much more. It’s extremely important to reward those companies doing the social good, but equity prices and returns will always be driven in part by a company’s cash-based sources of intrinsic value: net cash on the balance sheet and future expected free cash flow.
Nov 16, 2021
The Valuentum Weekly Is a Hit! Only Delivered By Email!
The Valuentum Weekly is a brand-new weekly market commentary from Valuentum Securities, released each weekend in digital form. The Valuentum Weekly offers members a weekly synopsis of the markets and major events. It will be straight and to-the-point. Our goal is to deliver to you the latest information and insights. We welcome your feedback on how we can make the Valuentum Weekly as useful and as relevant for you as ever!
Oct 24, 2021
Philip Morris International Boosts Dividend, Cost Structure Improving
Image Shown: An overview of Philip Morris International Inc’s guidance for 2021. Image Source: Philip Morris International Inc – Third Quarter of 2021 IR Earnings Presentation. On October 19, Philip Morris International reported third quarter 2021 earnings that beat both consensus top- and bottom-line estimates. The firm narrowed its reported diluted EPS estimate for 2021 in conjunction with the report, which saw the midpoint of its guidance move marginally lower,. However, Philip Morris International’s non-GAAP currency-neutral adjusted diluted EPS forecast for 2021 now calls for 13%-14% growth over 2020 levels, which is an improvement from its previous guidance calling for 12%-14% growth.

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