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Latest Valuentum Commentary

Mar 19, 2020
Extreme Volatility and Crisis Economics
Image: The Dow Jones has now registered 8 consecutive trading days with a 4% move in either direction, from March 9 through March 18. This is the most volatile time in history, a streak that is longer than the 5 consecutive days registered in November 1929 (Great Depression), 4 consecutive days in 1987 (Crash of 1987), and 4 consecutive days in 2008 (Great Financial Crisis). The worst of the declines may still be ahead of us. The S&P 500 still is trading within our fair value estimate range of 2,350-2,750, and we wouldn’t be surprised to see panic/forced selling all the way down to 2,000 on the S&P. Expect more volatility, and please stay safe out there as the world declares all out war on COVID-19. Our best ideas remain in the Best Ideas Newsletter portfolio, Dividend Growth Newsletter portfolio, High Yield Dividend Newsletter portfolio, and Exclusive publication.
Mar 18, 2020
US Considering $1 Trillion (Or More) Fiscal Stimulus Program
Image Source: Frank Boston. A lot has changed in a short period of time since we published our first note covering the potential for a major US fiscal stimulus program back on March 10. Due to the sheer amount of pummeling the stock and credit markets have taken over the past few weeks, along with consumer, business, and investor confidence at-large (we’ll get a better read on that over time), it seems that both Democrats and Republicans are now more open to a major fiscal stimulus program than before. The ‘Survey of Consumers’ conducted by the University of Michigan notes the ‘Index of Consumer Sentiment’ fell from 101.0 in February 2020 down to 95.9 in March 2020, and there’s room for that index to fall a lot further. Please note the next data release date is March 27. In all likelihood, this is all due to the negative impacts posed by the ongoing novel coronavirus (‘COVID-19’) pandemic to both the health of individuals (particularly the older demographics and those with preexisting conditions) and the health of the overall economy (due to the “cocooning” of households and consumers). We sincerely hope everyone, their loved ones, and their families stay safe out there as we get through this pandemic as a nation and as a global community.
Mar 17, 2020
Dollar General Holding Up Relatively Well in the Face of COVID-19
Image Shown: Shares of Dollar General Corporation, a holding in our Best Ideas Newsletter portfolio, have aggressively outperformed the S&P 500 Index over the past year as of the end of the normal trading session on March 12.  Retail firms, particularly companies that sell consumer staples products, have held up relatively well during the ongoing rout in global equities (including in the US). The novel coronavirus (‘COVID-19’) pandemic is the "black swan" event that could potentially tip the global economy towards recession, in our view, but please note this pandemic was the straw that broke the camel’s back, not the single source of this potential downside (rising non-financial corporate debt levels, slowing industrial activity, large national budget deficits and enormous public debt loads worldwide, rising geopolitical tensions and the impact trade wars have on global supply chains, and the lack of “dry powder” at major central banks are several reasons why the global economy has asymmetrical downside risk when it comes to growth). Best Ideas Newsletter portfolio holding Dollar General Corp is a prime example of a retail firm holding its own against major exogenous headwinds. As of the end of the normal trading session on March 12, shares of DG are up 18.7% while the S&P 500 index is down 11.1%. Dollar General reported earnings for the fourth quarter and full-year fiscal 2019 (period ended January 31, 2020) that beat on both the top- and bottom-line, and its same-store sales performance also beat expectations. Let's dig into the specifics in this note.
Mar 17, 2020
Buybacks and Wealth Destruction
From Value Trap: "According to S&P Dow Jones Indices, S&P 500 stock buybacks alone totaled $519.4 billion in 2017, $536.4 billion in 2016, and $572.2 billion in 2015. In 2018, announced buybacks hit $1.1 trillion. Given all the global wealth that has been accumulated through the 21st century, it may seem hard to believe that another Great Depression is even possible. However, in the event of a structural shock to the marketplace where aggregate enterprise values for companies are fundamentally reset lower, the vast amount of cash spent on buybacks would only make matters worse. The money that had been spent on buybacks could have been distributed to shareholders in the form of a dividend or even held on the books as a sanctuary of value within the enterprise during hardship. Buybacks, unlike dividends, can result in wealth destruction in a market economy, much like they can with companies. This is an important downside scenario that is often overlooked." -- Value Trap, published 2018
Mar 11, 2020
Seeds of Financial Crisis May Have Been Sown, Volatility Soars
Image Shown: The broader market indices continue to reveal tremendous levels of volatility. The Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 5.86%, or 1,465 points, to 23,553 during the trading session March 11. From Value Trap: It seems like the markets experience a new financial crisis every decade or so. During the past few decades alone, there have been three significant banking crises: the savings and loan crisis of the late 1980s/early 1990s; the fall of Long-Term Capital Management and the Russian/Asian financial crisis of the late 1990s; and the Great Recession of the last decade that not only toppled Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns, Washington Mutual, and Wachovia but also caused the seizure of Indy Mac, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac...It's likely we will have another financial crisis at some point in the future, the magnitude and duration of which are the only questions. My primary reason for this view is not to be a doomsayer, but rests on the human emotions of greed and fear... -- Value Trap, published 2018
Mar 10, 2020
S&P 500 Hits Target Range, Nibbling at Ideas?
As we have outlined extensively in Value Trap: Theory of Universal Valuation, the combination of indexing and quantitative algorithmic trading is creating a situation of tremendous volatility. When indexers sell, they're not selling overpriced equities, they're selling everything in the index, indiscriminately. This has profound implications on the levels of broad market volatility, as we've been witnessing, exacerbated by the quants that pay little attention to fundamental analysis.
Mar 10, 2020
Fiscal Stimulus Coming to the US?
US equity markets started up strongly initially on Tuesday, March 10, likely due to reports coming out that the Trump Administration was considering recommending payroll tax cuts, paid leave, and special loans to small businesses to offset the negative impacts of the novel coronavirus (‘COVID-19’) epidemic. There are over 560 reported cases of COVID-19 in the US as of this writing, and unfortunately, that includes roughly two dozen fatalities. This remains a serious epidemic.
Mar 9, 2020
Oil Prices Collapse, Reiterating 2,350-2,750 S&P 500 Target Range; Credit Crunch Looming?
From Value Trap: “The banking sector was not the only sector that faced considerable selling pressure during the Financial Crisis of the late 2000s, of course. Other companies that required funding to maintain their business operations faced severe liquidity risk, or a situation where refinancing, or rolling over debt, might be difficult to do on fair terms, making such financing prohibitive in some cases. Those that faced outsize debt maturities during the most severe months of the credit crunch faced a real threat of Chapter 11 restructuring had the lending environment completely seized. In thinking about share prices as a range of probable fair value outcomes, equity prices tend to face pressure as downside probabilities such as a liquidity event are baked into the market price and at a higher probability. Because debtholders are higher up on the capital structure than equity holders, shareholders can sometimes get nothing in the event of a bankruptcy filing. Entities that are extremely capital-market dependent, or those that require ongoing access to new capital to fund operations, often face the greatest risk of the worst equity price declines during deteriorating credit market conditions.” Value Trap: Theory of Universal Valuation, published 2018
Mar 6, 2020
ALERT: Re-establishing "Crash Protection"
Anecdotally, we are hearing lots more talk of algorithmic trading, and how it is becoming harder to sell any volume of equities without moving the markets. We have established a target range on the S&P 500 of 2,350-2,750 and explain how the COVID-19 crisis can catalyze into an all-out financial crisis (see here), and conditions have all the makings of another crash from here (see here). We're still only a few percentage points from all-time highs on most major indexes.
Mar 5, 2020
2,350-2,750 on the S&P? Could the Coronavirus Catalyze a Financial Crisis?
Image: We think a rather modest sell-off in the market to the target range of 2,350-2,750 on the S&P 500 is rather reasonable in the wake of one of the biggest economic shocks since the Global Financial Crisis. The chart above shows how far markets have advanced since 2011, and an adjustment lower to the target range of 2,350-2,750 is rather modest in such a context and would only bring markets to late 2018 levels (note red box as the target range). The range reflects ~16x S&P 500 12-month forward earnings estimates, as of February 14, adjusted down 10% due to COVID-19. When companies like Visa talk about a couple percentage points taken off of growth rates, one knows that the decrease in spending is very real, and we’ve yet to see the brunt of the impact yet. We have written extensively about our valuation expectations and target on the S&P 500 in the past, so please don’t mistake this reference as the extent of our thinking. We do not think a sell-off on the S&P 500 to the range is 2350-2750 is too far-fetched, as it really only gets the broader markets back to late 2018 levels (a mere year ago or so), and reflects a reasonable 16x forward expected earnings, as of February 14, hair cut by 10% as a result of the impact of COVID-19. The Fed put may not matter much anymore in the wake of this “biological” crisis, and increased fiscal spending may not be enough to offset what could be sustained weakness across the global economy.

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