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Valuentum Commentary
Nov 26, 2017
How to Think About Corporate Tax Reform
Image Source: DonkeyHotey. Donald Trump and team are working hard to “Make America Great Again,” and lowering tax rates on corporations is a key initiative. Nobody knows for sure whether such efforts will come to fruition, but knowing how to use our research and understanding the fair value estimate range puts you ahead of the crowd, if it hasn’t already. Aug 19, 2017
Realty Income Has Avoided Much of the Trouble in Retail
Image Source: Realty Income. Realty Income’s dividend track record largely speaks for itself, and the REIT may be one of the most attractive in its peer universe. With a focus on some of the strongest retail tenants, it has largely avoided most of the trouble in retail. The REIT recently declared its 566th consecutive common stock monthly dividend. May 24, 2017
Changing Millennial Preferences and the Death of the Blue Box?
Image Source: samantha celera. The widely-held thesis that the ultra-rich care more about status than function may be waning as convergence between the two ensue. Let's talk Tiffany and the ultra-luxury space. May 12, 2017
Not Worried About Priceline, Boeing; Yes Worried About Fickle Retail
Image Source: Mike Mozart. Priceline and Boeing have been here before. Fickle retail continues to succumb to the Amazon effect. May 4, 2017
Valuentum’s 3 Breakthroughs in the Field of Finance and More
Valuentum's President Brian Nelson pauses for a picture before speaking at the CFA Society of Houston in March 2017. Let’s cover Valuentum’s 3 major breakthroughs in the field of finance. The first one is big and may challenge you to rethink everything you think you know about investing. Mar 13, 2017
Dividend Increases/Decreases for the Week Ending March 10
Let's take a look at companies raising/lowering their dividends this week. Feb 14, 2017
#14? You Can’t Control The Market
Image shown: Wall Street Journal front pages from the Financial Crisis -- a reminder that an investor cannot control the markets. Should this be added to the “13 Steps…” piece? Oct 26, 2016
The Valuentum analyst team explains the difference between the adjusted Dividend Cushion ratio and its unadjusted counterpart. The success of the Dividend Growth Newsletter portfolio is covered, and Valuentum's top 3 dividend growth ideas are unveiled. ~13 minutes. May 20, 2016
Uncertainty in Retail Remains
Image Source: Mike Mozart. Consumers are still spending money, but where? Let’s take a look at some recent trends in retail and how they are impacting the investment prospects of the space. Feb 20, 2015
10 Bucks per Hour; What It Really Means
Succumbing to political and labor pressure, Walmart sets frightening path of labor costs. Latest News and Media The High Yield Dividend Newsletter, Best Ideas
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