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Valuentum Commentary
Jan 14, 2015
BHP or Rio Tinto? Is That the Right Question?
We only have modest exposure to the highly volatile commodities markets...for this very reason. Nov 29, 2014
$45 Oil Prices!?!? There Is Never a Sense of Urgency When One Is Prepared
Friday brought mass selling across the energy sector. In our view, crude oil prices could hit $45 per barrel in the next few years before recovering. Nov 21, 2014
Europe and China
We’re starting to see more cracks in the global economy. Oct 13, 2014
The Correction: No Panic Selling on Columbus Day
The most expensive research is free research – it can cost you dearly. The tide is going out…but will it bring a tidal wave? Have you built an arc…yet? Oct 13, 2014
Performance of the Valuentum Buying Index
Two separate studies have reinforced the efficacy of the Valuentum Buying Index, both as a portfolio optimization tool and as an idea generator. Let's get the thoughts of Valuentum's Brian Nelson on the studies. Oct 7, 2014
Glencore Thinks Rio Tinto Is a Bargain
We do, too. Sep 30, 2014
This Just Feels Different…Mr. Brown
We think the correction is coming. Here are 7 reasons why we plan to reduce exposure to cyclicals and add some protection to the portfolios. Sep 3, 2014
Performance Update: The Valuentum Buying Index
Let’s take a look at how the Valuentum Buying Index has performed. Aug 9, 2014
Rio Tinto Remains One of Our Favorite Ideas for Commodities Exposure
The mining giant is executing flawlessly and generating gobs of free cash flow as it prudently pays down debt. We like the company’s valuation opportunity. Jun 22, 2014
Valuentum Economic Castle™ Rating Update
Members should expect the initial Economic Castle™ ratings. Latest News and Media The High Yield Dividend Newsletter, Best Ideas
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