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Valuentum Commentary
Sep 1, 2015
Batten Down the Hatches – Another US Market Crash Probable
The aftermath of China’s equity market collapse and the Dow’s crash last week will have material spillover effects. Aug 24, 2015
The Debt Bubble Is Deflating; Will It Pop?
"What remains to be seen, from our perspective, is whether the collapse in the mining and energy sectors and the crisis in emerging-market currencies will eventually lead to yet another credit crisis, similar to the one that shocked the world in 2008-2009 and brought some well-known names to their knees across the financial sector." -- inside this piece Aug 20, 2015
The Flight to Safety
The wave of selling may have just begun. Aug 20, 2015
Potash Miners Digging Themselves a Hole
The agriculture chemicals industry is in a period of structural uncertainty. New players are attempting to enter, formerly sound and profitable relationships are deteriorating, and buyout offers have been rejected. The battle for pricing power and market share rage on. Aug 11, 2015
Rio Tinto Focused on Cutting Costs
Best Ideas Newsletter portfolio holding Rio Tinto is focused on what it can control in the current difficult commodity price environment. Jul 31, 2015
Agricultural Equipment Industry Stuck in the Mud
Agricultural equipment suppliers are feeling the pressure of weak demand and “stagnant” global economic conditions. Jun 15, 2015
Iron Prices to Move Higher, Ore Is It Wishful Thinking?
Iron ore producers’ shares have rallied recently amid improved expectations for global demand in the back half of 2015, but will these new price levels be sustainable? Apr 21, 2015
Things for Your Radar Tuesday
What we’re hearing and what we think. Mar 13, 2015
When “Bad” News Is “Good” News…Take A Euro Trip?
Pack the bags, kiss the grandkids, it’s time to do some traveling!!! Maybe to Europe? Jan 15, 2015
Your “Consider Selling” List
We want you to take a look at your portfolio for these types of companies that could face pressure. Latest News and Media The High Yield Dividend Newsletter, Best Ideas
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