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Fundamental data is updated weekly, as of the prior weekend. Please download the Full Report and Dividend Report for any changes.
Latest Valuentum Commentary

May 1, 2017
Seeking Balance: What’s Happening in the Crude Oil and Iron Ore Markets
Image Source: Sollven Melindo. Commodity prices are notoriously volatile as the global markets often struggle to maintain a sustainable balance of supply-demand. Let’s take a look at some recent developments and coming events that are impacting the prices of crude oil and iron ore.
Jan 19, 2017
Fair Value Estimate Changes: Facebook, Twitter, Caterpillar and More...
Let's have a look at the reasons behind several of the recent fair value changes we've made on companies across our coverage universe as of late.
Oct 30, 2016
Valuentum Weekly Web Commentary
Let’s take a look at some of the Valuentum Team’s commentary from the past week.
Oct 21, 2016
Valuentum Weekly Web Commentary
Let’s take a look at some of the Valuentum Team’s commentary from the past week.
Aug 18, 2016
Little Progress Seen in Iron Ore Market Balancing
Image Source: Peter Craven. Not much has changed in our view of the iron ore market and the players within. We continue to believe the rally in prices in early 2016 does not represent a sustainable outlook for the metal.
Jun 24, 2016
Brexit: Secession Bells Are Ringing!
First Baptist Church in Columbia, S.C., where the first secession convention in the United States opened on Dec. 17, 1860. Source: Library of Congress, Washington, DC. Photo. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Web. 24 Jun. 2016. Global markets are plunging, and the implosion may still be in the early innings. Market valuations remain stretched among stagnant global economic growth, and “Brexit” may be the catalyst for a correction.
Apr 25, 2016
Iron Ore Market Stability Still A Ways Off
Image Source: Peter Craven. Despite some recent positive headlines and a relatively small rally in iron ore prices, the iron ore market may still be a long way from correcting the current supply glut. Let’s take a look at what’s going on at some the world’s largest producers in an attempt to get to the bottom of things.
Feb 23, 2016
Recent Add Cracker Barrel Surges Ahead; BHP Cuts
We liked what we heard in Cracker Barrel’s outlook, and the Dividend Cushion ratio again comes up big in warning about BHP’s dividend cut.
Feb 11, 2016
More Market Weakness: We Haven’t Hit Bottom Yet
Janet Yellen fails to spark market buying. Global equity market weakness ensues.
Feb 1, 2016
We’re still getting used to Google’s new name, but its performance is something we certainly can get used to.

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