Valuentum has not owned and does not own any shares of stocks mentioned on its website. Valuentum owns shares in the DIA, VOO, SCHG, SPY, and QQQ.
From January 2011 through November 2012, Brian Nelson had long exposure to ACOM. From May 2011 through June 2011, Brian Nelson had put option exposure to AMR.
Since mid-November 2012 through March 2020, Brian Nelson has not owned any shares of stocks/ETFs mentioned on Valuentum's website. Brian Nelson currently owns shares in SPY, SCHG, DIA, QQQ, VOT, RSP, and IWM in his retirement account. He also owns less than 1 Bitcoin.
Majority share owner of Valuentum, Elizabeth Nelson, currently has exposure to HON in her retirement account. Mr. Nelson's household owns one share of DIS, HAS, NKE, as well as holdings in the RSP, DIA, QQQ, QQQM, VOO, and SCHG.
If an independent contributor or employee mentions a stock he or she owns, we disclose it in the article that mentions the security. Please view individual articles on Valuentum's website for additional disclosures.
The High Yield Dividend Newsletter portfolio, ESG Newsletter portfolio, the Best Ideas Newsletter portfolio and Dividend Growth Newsletter portfolio are not real money portfolios. Any performance, including that in the Valuentum Exclusive publication and additional options commentary feature, is hypothetical and does not represent actual trading. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.
Valuentum is an investment research publishing company.