Our Best Ideas and Dividend Growth portfolios may be fully invested at times, and it may not make sense for us to buy or sell a company each month. One important reason is to minimize portfolio turnover and transaction costs in order to maximize the return delivered to members.
Still, we actively provide a watch list and other ideas to consider in each monthly edition as many of our subscribers have cash to allocate to timely positions. Importantly, however, the positions in our respective portfolios are our best ideas for each given strategy at any given time.
The holding period for stocks in our Best Ideas and Dividend Growth portfolios varies depending on the timing of when a particular stock converges to our fair value. On average, however, we'd like to see an idea work out within a 6 -18 month period.
To get a feel for the trading frequency and turnover of our portfolios, view the transaction log of our Best Ideas portfolio at the following link: http://www.valuentum.com/articles/20120509_1.